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3 Resources to Take Advantage of While Pursuing Your Law Career

If you were recently accepted to law school, it can be an exciting time for you. After all, getting into law school is a feat in and of itself, and having the opportunity to pursue the type of schooling that will ultimately land you your dream job as an attorney or lawyer can be thrilling. That being said, there’s a lot of pressure and stress that can come with going to graduate school, especially to get your law degree. Law school has a reputation for being challenging and demanding, which means that it’s vital to have your fair share of resources lined up if you want to find success in and after school.

You’ve probably heard the saying that it takes a village to raise a child. The same can be said of going to law school. While pursuing your law career, the relationships you form and strategies you use can make or break your ability to become a successful attorney. Keep reading for three different resources to take advantage of when you’re eager to make the most of your burgeoning law career.

1. Find mentorship wherever you can.

Going through school can be an isolating experience, even if you have a large cohort of other law students. As such, it’s important to find mentorship wherever you can. One way to find success when you’re looking to meet other professionals in the legal field is to turn to the internet. Thanks to COVID-19, websites like LinkedIn are more active than ever, so it’s not out of the ordinary to connect with someone who lives in a different state or even country when you’re looking for mentors.

For example, you may come across Malliha Wilson, a Candian lawyer who handles complex litigation and has an impressive career with the Ontario Government and the law firm Nava Wilson LLP, illustrating that there are a variety of ways to use your law degree. Specializing in labor law, Malliha has the distinction of being the Assistant Deputy Attorney General of the Government of Ontario for eight years. In addition to working as the Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Malliha has spent time with the Supreme Court of Canada and is a senior counsel member of Nava Wilson LLP. As such, she can provide a lot of perspective to current students as well as recent graduates.

2. Understand what burnout, depression, and anxiety might look like.

While depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, and other serious mental illnesses are generally diagnosed in adolescents, that’s not to say that mental health issues can’t crop up at other times of your life, too. As a result, it’s not a bad idea to learn about mental health issues prior to attending law school so that you can be on the lookout for serious mental illness in yourself and your peers. Many schools offer mental health services to help treat your mental health condition, so if you suspect you may have a mental health disorder or a substance use disorder, get the help you need. Law school can be taxing, and having a relationship with a mental health provider can help you get through school in one piece.

3. Make time for yourself.

School should be a major focus of your studies, but you need to be a person, too! Whether your goal is to become a special legal advisor or you have dreams of providing counsel to a major corporation, neglecting your physical health and hobbies makes you a boring job applicant. Whether you focus on advocacy work for a charitable organization you care about or play a sport, making time for yourself makes you a well-rounded individual and allows you to connect better to the world and those around you.

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